On the evening of 23 November 1953, an Air Force radar controller became alerted to an “unidentified target” over Lake Superior, and an F-89C Scorpion jet was scrambled from Kinross AFB. Radar controllers watched as the F-89 closed in on the UFO, and then sat stunned in amazement as the two blips merged on the screen, and the UFO left.
The F-89 and it’s two man crew, pilot Felix Moncla and radar operator Robert Wilson, were never found, even after a thorough search of the area.

Press article, regarding the incident, in the Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI), Nov. 25, 1953.
Above image (top of page): 1st Lieutenant Felix E. “Gene” Moncla, Jr., the pilot of the F89C Scorpion jet. Moncla was accompanied by Radar Operator 2nd Lieutenant Robert Wilson in the rear seat.
“The Disappearance of Lt. Felix Moncla”
Read more: http://www.thinkaboutitdocs.com/1953-the-kinross-air-force-base-incident/